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Cctalk Serial Interface

суббота 02 марта admin 13

CcTalk Serial Communication Protocol - Generic Specification - Issue 4.6. ‘Circuit 1 - ccTalk Standard Interface’ 4.2 05-10-01 Addition of connector type 9 for serial universal hopper Serial Protocol - Voltage Levels. Allowable ranges now defined. Contoh kontrak perjanjian pembuatan software di.

The logic levels for the ccTalk line are 3.5 to 5V for mark state (idle ) and 0 to 1V for space state (active). This allows a low cost interface width 5V microcontrollers. Some dedicated gaming PC based platforms like have one or more built in ccTalk ports. Simple 5V microcontroller interface A normal switching diode can be used but the noise margin could be to low.

The resistor can be in 1Kohm to 10Kohm range. If the Tx output is open colector you can connect together TX RX and data line without the diode. Also the resistor is not required if the slave has a pull up. 2012 Simple 3V microcontroller interface You can skip the diode if the microcontroller has internal protection diode. I know that the levels are not exactly by the book, the input low level for Pic microcontrollers is guaranteed at 0.15 VDD for CMOS inputs.

1V means 0.3VDD for 3.3 V and 0.2VDD for 5V but this worked for me flawlessly For PC there are many USB to RS232 TTL adapters available that can be used with the schematics above, search Google, they have 5V and 3.3V outputs. If you want a ready made ccTalk cable has one (pl2303 based) or you can find some more in “Usefull ccTalk links” page. There is also on youtube a video where is simply connecting TX and RX and data together, I doubt that the TX output is open collector the slave just force zero the output that acts also as a pull up when idle. This might reset your USB to serial chip if the output is stronger. Of course do not forget the official schematics from the ccTalk documentation, I don’t have their agreement to show them here but you can find them in page 82 to 85. (Continues from last post) Looking completely to my questions in my last post and the “this guy” video in Youtube, what I understand is that: Attaching the only 1 data line of ccTalk device to a USB to TTL cable’s DATA IN (receieved) and DATA OUT (transmittted) cables is enough.

Cctalk Serial Interface

But there appear two new questions: 1-The equipment in the video is a ccTalk coin acceptor which needs12 V to work. So the guy takes the energy from the PC’s board. But for a hopper which needs 24 V, 1 A minimum, it is impossible. OK, the answer my friend is blowing in the wind, it is easy, just use an external 24 V power supply. But the guy atttaches the USB-TTL cable’s ground (black) to the PC board’s ground (black) cable. In that case should I attach the USB-TTL cable’s ground to the 24V external power supply’s ground? 2-It seems it is possible to work by connecting the only 1 data line of ccTalk equipment to a desktop PC’s 9 pin RS232 pins [(both) 2nd (tranmission) and 3rd (receiver)] and using an external 24 V power supply WITHOUT A USB TO TTL CABLE.